
The Seven Churches Pt. 3 – Ephesus, pt. A (video)

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series The Seven Churchs (Vlog)

(This is a confinuation of “The Seven Churches” Vlog series on the churches of Revelation 1-3.  You may also want to watch other videos in this series to keep within context.)

  The first church John was asked to address of the seven was the church in Ephesus; a church which received both praise and rebuke from the Lord’s letter.

This week’s study focuses on the commendation to the church.  The rebuke will be dealt with in next week’s study.

Overwhelmingly, it is clear from the letter to the church at Ephesus that the faith entrusted to the saints is indeed something to be contended for: as the Lord himself gives his commendation to his church for not tolerating evil men and heresy.

The Seven Churches – Ephesus, pt. 1 from Jeff Kluttz on Vimeo.

The Seven Churches Pt. 2 – Introduction (Video)

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series The Seven Churchs (Vlog)

(This is a confinuation of “The Seven Churches” Vlog series on the churches of Revelation 1-3.  You may also want to watch other videos in this series to keep within context.)

  While understanding the nature of the church age (as observed in last week’s session) is important to the interpretation of the letters to the seven churches, another very important interpretive principle is that of “context.”  This week’s video will examine the context of the book of Revelation, that the proper interpretation of the letters to the churches may be achieved, and the message of the letters may reach its intended mark: the church age at large.

The Seven Churches (Intro, pt 2) from Jeff Kluttz on Vimeo.

The Seven Churches – Introduction (Video)

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series The Seven Churchs (Vlog)

  Today begins a new study series on the Video Blog area of  This series, currently being preached at First Baptist Church in Needville, TX, is an examination of the Seven Churches which the book of Revelation is written to in Asia Minor. 

The title of the series, however, is not “The Seven Churches of Asia Minor,” but rather “The Seven Churches,” because once one begins interpretational work on the book of Revelation it becomes clear that the seven churches do not only represent the seven historical churches whose names are written on the letter. Rather, these seven churches are seen throughout history, which is the context of the book of Revelation:

Revelation 1:19 (ESV)
19 Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this.

The Seven Churches (Intro, pt 1) from Jeff Kluttz on Vimeo.

Interpreting the Bible – Parts 9–10

This entry is part 9 of 14 in the series Interpreting the Bible (Vlog)

(This is a continuation of the “Interpreting The Bible“ video blog series.  This post assumes the prerequisite watching of earlier videos in the series.  Click the link above to watch the entire series up to this week’s installment.)

A double header “catch up” video is posted this week for the Interpreting the Bible course.

 Part 9 is a continuation of the examination of the past several weeks of The Golden Rule of interpretation; with further examples to assist us in determining – from the context – when a text should be interpreted figuratively and when not.

Part 10 introduces a new law; The Law of Dual Reference.  This law explains that prophetic texts, at times, are fulfilled in more than one historical event.  In such cases, the prophet writes as if he speaks of one event, yet the fulfillment reveals that only a portion of the text will be fulfilled at one time.

There are a few manners in which dual reference may unfold.  Today’s study in Part 10 will discuss what is probably the more difficult to grasp, the rare Typeographical form of dual reference; when a prophecy speaks of a type, or form, of fulfillment which is thought fulfilled in scripture, but is later revealed to have not been fully fulfilled.

Bible Interpretation Pt. 09 from Jeff Kluttz on Vimeo.

Bible Interpretation Pt. 10 from Jeff Kluttz on Vimeo.

The Gospel Truth: Christ Crucified (Vlog)

This entry is part 7 of 12 in the series The Gospel Truth (Vlog)

(This is a continuation of The Gospel Truth video blog series.  This post assumes the prerequisite watching of earlier videos in the series.  Click the link above to watch the entire series up to this week’s installment.)

This week’s Gospel Truth teaching examines the very apex of the fulfillment of the law: the crucifixion of Christ.  As previous lessons have revealed how Christ’s death fulfilled the law of Moses, today’s will focus on the fact that Christ also fulfilled the prophets which spoke of his first coming.

The Gospel Truth – Pt 7 – Christ Crucified from Jeff Kluttz on Vimeo.

The Truth about RFID Implantation in the New Healthcare Bill

One of the hardest things about being a premillennialist is being inevitably associated with other premillennialists.   Among the many qualified, biblically sound and sane Biblicists out there also exist a panicky, superstitious and downright dishonest fringe (ok… it may be a pretty wide “fringe”) which will stop at nothing to “prove” their postulates; even if it means that the truth must be entirely misrepresented in the process.  Continue reading

A Coming One-World Government

This category contains excerpts from the author’s book, The Return of the King: A Prophetic Timeline of End-Time Events.  If you find articles in this category interesting, consider purchasing the book to read the entire work!



(an excerpt from Chapter 1: Pre-Tribulational Events)

The One-World Government

A disturbing pre-tribulational event which will also be readily perceptible will be the advent of a one-world government upon the whole earth.  The understanding of a coming one-world governmental power is observed in two visions from the book of Daniel, found in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7.  Both texts will be presented below, followed by a comparison of their similarities. Continue reading

Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple

This category contains excerpts from the author’s book, The Return of the King: A Prophetic Timeline of End-Time Events.  If you find articles in this category interesting, consider purchasing the book to read the entire work!



(an excerpt from Chapter 1: Pre-Tribulational Events)

Another group of prophecies which tell an astounding story are those writings which speak of the use of the Jewish temple in the tribulation as well as the millennial kingdom of Christ.  There is, of course, no temple in Jerusalem currently to give fulfillment to such forecasts.  The first temple, Solomon’s Temple, was destroyed in 586 BC by the Babylonians.  The second temple was destroyed by the Romans along with the dismantling of the nation in 70 AD.  Since Israel has become a nation again, the temple has not been rebuilt.  To some, the idea of the Jewish temple being rebuilt is as unlikely as was the re-establishment of a Jewish nation. 

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Pre-Tribulation Prophesies: The Re-Establishment of Israel

This category contains excerpts from the author’s book, The Return of the King: A Prophetic Timeline of End-Time Events.  If you find articles in this category interesting, consider purchasing the book to read the entire work!



(an excerpt from Chapter 1: Pre-Tribulational Events)

While Israel is known to the modern world as a viable nation, it was not that many years ago when biblical prophesies concerning a latter-day Israel seemed utterly untenable.  After all, Israel ceased to be a nation in 70 AD and had been abandoned as anything more than an ancient memory.  Yet, through unfathomable circumstances, she re-emerged onto the world stage in 1948 as a sovereign nation; as scripture had prophesied would come to pass.

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