Monthly Archives: May 2009
The Basis for Salvation: Man is Sinful
One of the most difficult aspects of evangelism in today’s culture is the communication of the need for such a thing as “salvation.” Indeed, it seems a world view of self adulation has engulfed many in post-modern culture, where ideas of right and wrong are frequently re-cast as personal life choices rather than offenses to a divine creator. To that end, “sin” is in many cases categorically denied as a stringent reality in favor of the idea that right and wrong are relative to one’s own experience.
Added to that confusion are a mass of false preachers and teachers who are more than willing to elevate man’s “lost” status before God to something more akin to a child who has misplaced his father in the mall rather than one who has willfully and combatively lashed out against the authority of almighty God. Trends in neo-Christianity present salvation as something inherently man-inspired; frequently admonishing only that man properly involve himself in God’s work and lift himself up by his bootstraps to meet God’s expectations. Continue reading
“The Spirit World” is released by
Confusion abounds concerning the nature of the unseen spiritual worlds of men an angels. Biblical terms such as Hades, Abaddon, the abyss and others are often considered interchangeable by well-intended students of God’s Word. In some cases, the message of the text is no worse for the wear. In others, flagrant apostasy has developed because of a poorly interpreted text. Order The Spirit World at our bookstore |
A Pastoral Soteriology: Introduction
Soteriology is the technical term for the study of the doctrine of salvation. From the Greek soterios, meaning “salvation,” this field of study biblically defines the basis of what is necessary for man to be made right with God and have fellowship with him.
In short order, salvation is that which satisfies the judgment placed by God upon man’s sinful condition. Thus, if man were not a sinner there would be no need for salvation. As such, Soteriology and Harmartiology (the study of the doctrine of sin) are inextricably connected. It is because of man’s sin that he is separated from God and it is because of salvation that man is able to be restored to God. Unconditionally, a valid and biblical presentation of the (true) gospel must emphasize man’s sin, which is the core condition requiring God’s intervention on his behalf. Sin is universal and incurable by man’s own actions. Furthermore, it holds the most serious consequence of any action of eternity past or future; an eternal separation from God in unquenchable punishment. Continue reading
Return of the King E-Book Now Available ($4.99!)
A Coming One-World Government
This category contains excerpts from the author’s book, The Return of the King: A Prophetic Timeline of End-Time Events. If you find articles in this category interesting, consider purchasing the book to read the entire work! | [amazonshowcase_c71f634b3b05900e8ab2176eb82fd40d] |
(an excerpt from Chapter 1: Pre-Tribulational Events)
The One-World Government
A disturbing pre-tribulational event which will also be readily perceptible will be the advent of a one-world government upon the whole earth. The understanding of a coming one-world governmental power is observed in two visions from the book of Daniel, found in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7. Both texts will be presented below, followed by a comparison of their similarities. Continue reading
Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple
This category contains excerpts from the author’s book, The Return of the King: A Prophetic Timeline of End-Time Events. If you find articles in this category interesting, consider purchasing the book to read the entire work! | [amazonshowcase_c71f634b3b05900e8ab2176eb82fd40d] |
(an excerpt from Chapter 1: Pre-Tribulational Events)
Another group of prophecies which tell an astounding story are those writings which speak of the use of the Jewish temple in the tribulation as well as the millennial kingdom of Christ. There is, of course, no temple in Jerusalem currently to give fulfillment to such forecasts. The first temple, Solomon’s Temple, was destroyed in 586 BC by the Babylonians. The second temple was destroyed by the Romans along with the dismantling of the nation in 70 AD. Since Israel has become a nation again, the temple has not been rebuilt. To some, the idea of the Jewish temple being rebuilt is as unlikely as was the re-establishment of a Jewish nation.
Pre-Tribulation Prophesies: The Re-Establishment of Israel
This category contains excerpts from the author’s book, The Return of the King: A Prophetic Timeline of End-Time Events. If you find articles in this category interesting, consider purchasing the book to read the entire work! | [amazonshowcase_c71f634b3b05900e8ab2176eb82fd40d] |
(an excerpt from Chapter 1: Pre-Tribulational Events)
While Israel is known to the modern world as a viable nation, it was not that many years ago when biblical prophesies concerning a latter-day Israel seemed utterly untenable. After all, Israel ceased to be a nation in 70 AD and had been abandoned as anything more than an ancient memory. Yet, through unfathomable circumstances, she re-emerged onto the world stage in 1948 as a sovereign nation; as scripture had prophesied would come to pass.
“The Return of the King” Now Available on Kindle
The Return of the King: A Prophetic Timeline of End-Time Events is now available for Amazon’s Kindle reader platform. Identical to the full book, other than some formatting changes, this $5.99 e-book is a study of eschatology (end times) from a premillennial perspective. Written to a non-technical audience, the ROTK is written with a pastoral approach to educate readers on technical terms used as they appear in the text.
There will shortly also be an Adobe PDF version of the ROTK available, as well as a color-coded Teacher’s Workbook for use in a classroom setting.