Monthly Archives: February 2010
ROTK Makeup Videos
If you missed class in the current Return of the King study series you have a short window of opportunity to make it up online. We will keep three weeks of class video on the Return of the King online course page to give ample time to makeup any sessions missed.
After the third week, videos will be removed. However, we are also in the process of editing the videos and powerpoint presentation into a permanent online version of the course that can be taken at any time.
If you are not participating in the current study, at the time of this posting you have only missed two weeks. You can easily catch up online, then join us for future posts. The study is conducted live online at Needville.TV each Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m.
The Spirit World: Chapter Two (Hades)
(This is a continuation of The Spirit World book series. This post assumes the prerequisite reading of earlier posts in the series.)
Skipping ahead to the New Testament, the next term to be observed in this work is the Greek term, Hades. Obviously, being Greek, Hades appears only in the New Testament. The term is used only ten times in Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Hades is translated in the NIV as “the grave,” “the depths,” “death” or is left in its original Greek form, transliterated as “Hades.” Also in the NIV it is translated “Hell,” in Luke 16 (below), but in the modern understanding of that term, “Hell” is not the best designation to be used. (More will be discussed on this in chapter eight) With the NIV being a more modern translation, this is an inexplicable use of the term “Hell” in English translation. Hades is, however, translated as “Hell” in all ten usages of the KJV, a much older translation. Continue reading
The Spirit World: Chapter One (Sheol)
(This is a continuation of The Spirit World book series. This post assumes the prerequisite reading of earlier posts in the series.)
Giving consideration to the fact that the Bible is translated from the Hebrew and Greek languages (with some Aramaic), it is necessary to evaluate original language terms to have a consistent understanding of the meanings of the English terms which represent them in translation. One of the first terms one encounters in the scriptures which refers to a hidden spiritual realm is the Hebrew term, Sheol. Being Hebrew, Sheol is found, of course, in the Old Testament. Sheol literally means “the grave” or “the world of the dead.” It is frequently translated into English as “the grave” and at times, “Hell,” although “Hell” is not the best translation for modern English consumption as will be explained in chapter eight. Continue reading
The Spirit World: Introduction
(This is a continuation of The Spirit World book series. This post assumes the prerequisite reading of earlier posts in the series.)
Numerous are the terms used in scripture to reference the other-worldly spiritual abodes which remain unseen to the human eye. Some biblical students are content to quickly categorize these many terms into two simple categories: Heaven and Hell. However upon a thorough examination of scripture it becomes exceptionally clear that many of the abodes of spiritual existence in scripture are not synonymous with either Heaven or Hell. Hades, is often considered synonymous with Hell, for example, yet numerous Godly men, including Jesus himself, are noted in scripture to have entered Hades upon their deaths. While there are some who erroneously teach that Jesus went to “Hell” when he died (meaning “the eternal lake of fire”), scripture is unwavering in its clear assertion that in fact, Hell is not yet occupied. Continue reading
The Spirit World (book): Free to readers!
We’re giving away The Spirit World book to readers!
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The Spirit World is a study of the afterlife in scripture. Far from simply referring to “Heaven and Hell,” the scripture reveals an assortment of containers which temporarily sort the souls of men and angels prior to the eternal state. Places such as Sheol, Abaddon, and the Abyss are commonly used interchangeably by well-intended teachers of scripture. Yet, scripture itself does not use these terms interchangeably at all; for each has a unique characteristic among the others. |
The Spirit World provides a thorough examination of these terms and others, while time lining the course of human and angelic history from creation to the eternal state. Additionally, The Spirit World will examine the nature of the judgments of the righteous and the wicked, as these actions are the trigger events which relegate men from the temporary to the eternal abodes.