Search Results for: gospel

Word of Faith Atonement: Jesus in Hell

This entry is part 7 of 23 in the series Wolves in Wool Untitled from Jeff Kluttz on Vimeo. (Notes below are scrollable) Word of Faith Atonement:  Jesus in Hell Jesus takes the nature of Satan on the cross As noted in the last section, the WOF teach ...

The Law is Inoperative in Christ

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series The Law and The BelieverThe Law is Made Inoperative in Christ The previous section notes clearly the biblical depiction of the law of Moses as a “guardian” or a “tutor” in the lives of GodR ...

The Purpose of the Law (part 1)

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series The Law and The BelieverThe Purpose of The Law In order to come to terms with the role Law of Moses in the lives of New Testament believers, the New Testament itself must be the beginning of knowledge.  We call ours ...

Wolves In Wool: Intro to The Word of Faith

This entry is part 2 of 23 in the series Wolves in WoolWolves in Wool: Creeps in The Church, is the title of this series on false teachers and false doctrines. This study will be updated weekly, so be sure to subscribe for updates. Part two: Continue read ...


...  The Book of Jonah The Ressurections and Judgments The Gospel Truth Latest Posts  ...

Wolves in Wool: Creeps in The Church (Intro)

Wolves in Wool: Creeps in The Church, is the title of this series on false teachers and false doctrines. This study will be updated weekly, so be sure to subscribe for updates. Part one: Continue reading →  ...

Spiritual Realms (The Abyss)

The Abyss The Term “Abyss” is a Greek term occurring nine times in the New Testament.  The NIV derives it as “Abyss” from the Greek abyssos (pronounced “ab’-us-os”) while the KJV uses “bottomless pit”  ...

Spiritual Realms (The Migration of Paradise)

The Migration of Paradise/Abraham’s Bosom Deductions Abraham’s Bosom, or Paradise, are demonstrated to be a place that “moves” in scripture. ·         Abraham’s Bosom is demonstrated to be the righteous side of Hades/ ...

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