
Definition and Preview of The Law

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series The Law and The Believer

Definition:  The Law

“The Law” and “the Law of Moses” are common phrases throughout the Bible.  The Law is referenced well over one hundred times in both testaments, and is actually referenced more in the New Testament by one of these titles than in the Old.  As such, clearly the Law is a continual reality throughout biblical testimony.  It is not a theme that withers and goes away. Continue reading


This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series The Law and The Believer

(This series will be updated roughly semi-weekly until complete)

In churches across the world nuances of resistance are beginning to emerge from pulpits, Sunday School classrooms and private conversations at the church water fountain.  The subject of this movement seems always tied to someone’s reluctant (and less than systematic) foray into the world of the Old Testament.  Continue reading

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