
A Pastoral Soteriology: Introduction

This entry is part 1 of 13 in the series Pastoral Soteriology

Soteriology is the technical term for the study of the doctrine of salvation.  From the Greek soterios, meaning “salvation,” this field of study biblically defines the basis of what is necessary for man to be made right with God and have fellowship with him.

In short order, salvation is that which satisfies the judgment placed by God upon man’s sinful condition.  Thus, if man were not a sinner there would be no need for salvation.  As such, Soteriology and Harmartiology (the study of the doctrine of sin) are inextricably connected.  It is because of man’s sin that he is separated from God and it is because of salvation that man is able to be restored to God.  Unconditionally, a valid and biblical presentation of the (true) gospel must emphasize man’s sin, which is the core condition requiring God’s intervention on his behalf.  Sin is universal and incurable by man’s own actions.  Furthermore, it holds the most serious consequence of any action of eternity past or future; an eternal separation from God in unquenchable punishment.  Continue reading

The New, Friendlier Gospel

This entry is part 15 of 23 in the series Wolves in Wool

A Friendlier Soteriology

The natural consequence of the emergents and post-moderns rejection of certainty (regarding scripture or anything else) is a very natural outflow of that lack of certainty into their theology.  The religious relativism and deconstruction of the “certainty” regarding a theology of Hell discussed so far are only a small sampling of the complete historical re-writes which many in the emergent movement are conducting on every theological idea previously defined.  For people who do not believe theology is very important, they do an impressive job disassembling and rebuilding it in their own post-modern image.  Even more ironically, those who reject notions of absolute truth speak quite absolutely concerning their own redefined theological platform.  Continue reading

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